Godaddy Headquarters Information

GoDaddy is a technology company that provides a range of products and services for small businesses and individuals. The company was founded in 1997 and has since grown to become one of the largest and most well-known providers of web hosting, domain registration, and other online services.

Godaddy Headquarters Contact Info

The headquarters of GoDaddy is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. If you would like to contact the GoDaddy headquarters, you can try using the following information:

GoDaddy 14455 N Hayden Rd Suite 219 Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Phone: (480) 505-8800

You can also visit the GoDaddy website at and use the “Contact Us” section to send a message to the company. Alternatively, you can try contacting GoDaddy through its social media accounts, such as Facebook or Twitter.

Godaddy Executive Team

As of 2021, the executive team of GoDaddy includes the following individuals:

  1. Aman Bhutani (President and CEO)
  2. Richard Weber (Chief Financial Officer)
  3. Mark McLaughlin (Chief Revenue Officer)
  4. Elizabeth Gore (Chief Marketing Officer)
  5. Steven Aldrich (Chief Product Officer)
  6. Andy Zollo (Chief People Officer)
  7. Jeff King (Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary)
  8. Nima Kelly (Chief Technology Officer)
  9. Matt Parson (Chief Customer Officer)
  10. Leslie Fischer (Chief Information Security Officer)

Note that the executive team of a company can change over time. If you would like to confirm the most current information, you can visit the GoDaddy website or contact the company directly.

Godaddy Products

Some of the products and services that GoDaddy offers include:

  1. Domain registration: GoDaddy allows customers to register and manage domain names, which are the web addresses that people use to access websites.
  2. Web hosting: GoDaddy provides web hosting services, which allow customers to host their own websites on the company’s servers.
  3. Website builder: GoDaddy offers a website builder tool that allows customers to create and customize their own websites, even if they have no technical expertise.
  4. Online marketing: GoDaddy provides a range of online marketing services, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, and social media marketing.

If you are interested in learning more about GoDaddy and its products and services, you can visit the company’s website or contact a representative for more information.

Godaddy Networth

GoDaddy is a successful technology company that provides a range of products and services for small businesses and individuals. It is difficult to determine GoDaddy’s net worth with precision, as it is influenced by a wide range of factors, including the performance of the technology industry as a whole, the success of GoDaddy’s individual products and services, and the company’s financial performance.

According to data from GoDaddy, the company had revenues of approximately $2.7 billion in 2020. GoDaddy is known for its comprehensive range of products and services for small businesses, and it has a significant presence in the global market.

It is important to note that these figures are just estimates and should be used as a general guide. If you would like to learn more about GoDaddy’s financial performance and net worth, you can visit the company’s website or consult financial reports and analysts’ estimates.

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