LinkedIn Headquarters Information

LinkedIn is an American professional networking and job search platform that is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. The company’s main headquarters is located in a complex of buildings known as the LinkedIn Campus, which is situated in the Silicon Valley region of California.

LinkedIn is a leading social networking platform that allows professionals to connect with each other, find jobs, and discover business opportunities. The company’s headquarters oversees its global operations and serves as a hub for research and development, as well as for the management of the company’s various business units.

In addition to its headquarters in Sunnyvale, LinkedIn has a number of other offices and facilities around the world, including in the United States, Europe, Asia, and South America. The company also has a presence in many countries through its subsidiaries and joint ventures.

LinkedIn Headquarters Contact Info

If you would like to contact LinkedIn’s headquarters, you can do so through the following methods:

  • Phone: You can call LinkedIn’s customer service center at 1-800-653-6289. This number is available from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.

  • Email: You can email LinkedIn’s customer service team at You can also use this page to find specific contact information for different departments within LinkedIn, such as support for LinkedIn products, advertising inquiries, or careers.

  • Mail: You can send mail to LinkedIn’s headquarters at the following address: LinkedIn Corporation 2029 Stierlin Court Mountain View, CA 94043 United States

Please note that this address is for correspondence with the company’s headquarters only, and not for customer service inquiries. If you have a question or issue with a LinkedIn product or service, it is best to contact the company’s customer service team using one of the methods listed above.

LinkedIn Headquarters Team

LinkedIn is a professional networking and job search platform headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. The company is led by a team of executives who are responsible for managing the company’s operations and making strategic decisions on behalf of the company.

As of September 2021, the members of LinkedIn’s executive team were as follows:

  • Ryan Roslansky (CEO)
  • Michael Pillior (President)
  • Cliff Rosenberg (Managing Director, LinkedIn Asia Pacific)
  • Penry Price (Vice President, Global Marketing Solutions)
  • Christina Edmonson (Vice President, Human Resources)

This list is subject to change, as executives may be appointed or removed from the team at different times. If you would like to know the current list of LinkedIn’s executives, you can visit the company’s website or contact the company directly for more information.

LinkedIn Brands

LinkedIn is a professional networking and job search platform that operates under a single brand. The LinkedIn brand is used for the company’s main product, which is a social networking platform that allows professionals to connect with each other, find jobs, and discover business opportunities.

In addition to its main product, LinkedIn offers a number of other products and services under the LinkedIn brand, including LinkedIn Learning, a digital learning platform, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator, a sales and business development tool. The company may also offer products and services under different brands in different markets, depending on the specific products and services it offers in those markets.

Overall, the LinkedIn brand is known for its focus on helping professionals to connect and build their careers, and for providing businesses with tools and services to help them find and engage with potential customers and partners.

LinkedIn Networth

LinkedIn is a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. As of December 2021, the company had a market capitalization of approximately $50.3 billion. This represents the total value of LinkedIn’s outstanding shares, based on the current market price of those shares.

LinkedIn is a professional networking and job search platform that generates revenue through subscriptions, advertising, and sales of products and services. The company serves a global market and has a presence in many countries through its subsidiaries and joint ventures.

The value of a company like LinkedIn can fluctuate over time, depending on a variety of factors such as the company’s financial performance, market conditions, and other external factors. If you are interested in the current value of LinkedIn or any other publicly traded company, you can check the stock market or consult a financial advisor for more information.

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